Thursday, December 08, 2005

Two Perfect Reasons To Turn Gay

I am a huge football fan, HUGE. And no, I ain't a homosexual. In fact, I'm about as straight as it gets. Not that I'm, as a matter of fact, I am totally for gay peoples' emancipation. If ever I had a reason (or two) to turn gay, football has given me two.
Jamie Carragher and Steven Gerrard.
It hardly gets better than these two. Both have, at one time or another, been nicknamed Mr. Liverpool. They are the foundations of the current team; the captains, leaders in so many ways. Each one epitomises the undying spirit of a legendary club filled with history and glory and pride. Neither of these two know the meaning of defeat or giving up and will run themselves to the ground for the sake of their beloved club. Commitment and loyalty does not get better than this.A good team is one that works well together; one of the most important things to achieve this cohesion is a strong, inspirational leader, a captain. Liverpool FC has been captained by many famous names; Dalglish, Thompson, Hyypia...and now Steven Gerrard. In my opinion, the greatest player in the world at the moment is the Liverpool captain, regardless of what they say of Ronaldinho. In a time when most big-name players leave their initial clubs to other clubs for the sake of better pay, Gerrard, despite enormous pressure and temptations, stayed put and declared that he could never leave his beloved hometown club. He even offered to give up the captain's armband, but his teammates and manager told him firmly to keep it where it is; on his capable and ever-willing shoulder. Every time that he scores, he goes to celebrate with the fans. More than scoring himself, he loves to help his teammates do so, typified by his painstaking efforts to help Peter Crouch break his scoring duct. The Ultimate Captain and the Ultimate Player.
Another thing that any good team needs is a backbone, a defense that is consistent, reliable... unbreakable. Jamie Carragher is all of these and then some. He is Liverpool through and through, and no other club would bother trying to sign him because they know he would never ever think of leaving. Liverpool's Player of The Season last time out, Carra was the main reason for Liverpool's success in the Champions League, as Gerrard himself is quick to point out. Solid in defense, together with his immaculate and excellent partner Sami Hyypia, Carra has been a rock in the face of some of Europe's finest attacks; Juventus, Chelsea, and Milan all found fell to dust at his Scouser feet.

This is why I keep thinking, if ever I turned gay, then these two would be the main reasons for it. As it is, I already consider them my favorite footballers in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe, though I don't know a thing about football, I happen to know Ronaldinho, hehe...and I think I like that guy when he cute..