The Truth.
Are we all blinded from the truth of what we are and why we are so? We are human beings, the Homo sapiens, a species among millions, or billions of other living species. We are not the conquerors of the world, the leaders of the world, nor do we have the right to claim lordship over those that may seem to be on a lesser level compared to us. Yet, this truth has been shielded from our reckonings, from our minds. We do not see clearly that which is as bright as the sun upon which our lives depend upon. It is true, we do not recognize the necessity of water until the wells run dry. We, the supposed kings of the earthly plane, the lords of the species, the intellectuals of Nature, do not realize nor visualize what is so plain to see, that we are not all those things. We do not hold lordship over other beings, animate or inanimate, just as we do not hold lordship over our brothers and sisters of the human kind. Materialism is but an illusion in which we seek to hide the true fears that threaten to overwhelm us otherwise. We choose to build and weave deceptions that everything in this plane is to be possessed, to be owned, by men who are capable of it. We speak everyday of discrimination and inequality among ourselves, as if we are the only ones who matter in this world. We human beings are but a breath of wind in the passage of time, an insignificant component of something far bigger and far more complex than any of us can imagine. We do not OWN, we do not LEAD, there is no yours and mine in this reality. Life is something everything has, in its own way, and just like human beings, everything in this existence has the right to freedom. When the time arrives when humanity sees its final dawn, the world will not end, the universe will not end. It will go on, continuing as if the passing of our kin is but a mere itch that does not necessitate scratching. Life will not end with us, but all that we have created, the lies, deceptions, illusions, together with the likes of industry, the arts and ethics, will follow us to our dark graves, forever buried within the very Earth from which we sprung from. This is how far our relevance in reality really is, very little indeed. Like the darkness that follows the setting of the Sun, our existence will be ended and be followed by a period of night and shadows. The lands will lie in smoke and ruins, life, it seems, nowhere in existence. Our fires of technology and progress will one day destroy our world, that is of no doubt, for it will become to powerful even for us to control. Our foolishness shall wipe out all life on Earth, or so it may seem. Life, however, is not mortal. We must not blind ourselves by thinking that our end heralds the end of everything else, for it does not. Life will continue, our world has many ways to heal and regenerate itself. How this may happen is beyond the guessing of any being, but rest assured that it would.
How would humans be able to make up their own reality without having evidence in the physical world of such existences? Through the passing of time, we have lost our way because of the illusions that we invented to supplement our lives so we may never have to face the true answers. There is no god, for the truest meaning of god is fear. God means fear, in the simplest and most basic of forms, no matter the language one speaks or the culture that one comes from. Human beings fear things that they do not understand. When there is something that we fear, we try to destroy it, which is our nature. But if that something is immaterial and cannot be destroyed, we make up illusions or pretend that it is simply not there. In this case, we have managed to substitute the true meaning of the universe with a supposedly all-powerful being called God. We have no prove that this plane was indeed made by a singular entity. It is far too complex and immense for that to be true, in any circumstance. It is an invalid assumption due to the reality that this universe is so awesome, too awesome for one singular being to be able to perceive. No, God is a mere pretension, a weak, almost lame, substitute for something we do not have the ability to comprehend, something beyond us. We must not be foolish by thinking that we can make up our own truth about the universe for in time, we will know the truth. We are, after all, living creatures and one day we will find out the truth about our existence. We don’t have to make up illusions because of our fears.
There are more than enough boundaries and borders that separate an individual being from another naturally. Species, gender, age, physique, personality, preferences… attributes that are innate to specific individuals in this world. Why, then, is it necessary for human beings to ‘invent’ even more of this boundaries that further separate us from each other? Why must there be race? Why must there be religion? Why must there be slavery, discrimination, customs and so on? An age-old debate, which surprisingly, still persists to this day, when human beings are supposed to know better than to judge a fellow brother or sister by the color of their skins. In differing parts of this world, in the hearts of the many human civilizations, the nations are rife with the war between races and religions as members of various races fight each other, claiming supremacy over the other. In certain countries, there exist people who have come to believe that interracial harmony is a possibility. Well, it is a foolish and misguided thought. Deep down within, any person who believes in a certain religion and claims to be part of a particular race, is sure to feel a certain amount of animosity and disrespect towards people of other ‘races’ and ‘religions’, although they disguise these feelings on the outside. In the end, they still end up sticking to their own ‘race’ and would prefer not to mingle with the others. This is the painful truth. Interracial harmony is a sorry excuse for something that can never be attained unless race and religion is completely removed from our lives. There will be no true peace among human beings until the last vestiges of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jewish, and every other religion is discarded and we bring ourselves to face what is real and pure in our lives. We must recognize that the only things that separate us from each other are the lack of a touch, the lack of a common tongue, and most importantly the lack of love.
Monday, February 23, 2004
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Monday, February 23, 2004
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