Monday, February 23, 2004

guess since this is the officially the first real entry I'm recording, i should start by talking about myself a little... where should I start?

Strange how I feel so lost for words when there is so much that I wish to say. It is often this way whenever I begin to write... guess I'm too impatient and can't wait to get into the flow. Anyway, most of what I will be putting into this diary will be basic in nature, but honest. Truly, that is all I can promise... to be honest. As I said earlier, I'm just like everyone else, still searching for my identity and my life's purpose. I have no intention of being opinionated, judgemental, or anything like that. Most of the stuff in here will be essays, records of events in my life, poems, songs, what-not.,etc.There is nothing in here that is intended to make points or argue with something... just my emotions, thoughts, work and so on. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not trying to hide anything... I wish to be heard... I'm looking for my voice and I want to experiment. If you happen to read any of this, don't be close-minded or biased... It's just somebody's life in progress. Don't post rotten comments or anything... if you wish to tell me something, email me. cheers.

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