Sunday, March 07, 2004

We all seem to lose ourselves so easily, to simply surrender and fall into the crowd. We give up the fight even before we start. Why doesn't anyone stop and think, about what they are doing and what everyone else is doing? Why don't they just sit back for a while and consider their lives? Shouldn't they be able to consider their current lifestyle and determine whether it is what they truly want and need, if their way of life is giving them the satisfaction and contentment that we all crave in truth?
I think that most of us refuse to give a moment to think about our lives because we are afraid. Afraid to see things for what they really are. We are hanging on to some distorted logic that ignorance is bliss and that by continually moving and working, these questions and doubts won't arise. We are trying to delay what will eventually come anyway. We give ourselves completely to the search for materialistc riches, ambition, greed and success, just so we won't have to bother ourselves with the deeper part of our lives. Not many have the courage and strength to walk through the fire of doubt and emotions, where the only things that truly matter are faith and love. To some, allowing these doubts about our way of life to surface is wrong, but they can never find any form of justification and thus it is nothing more than a natural human fear of the unknown. We fear aliens, we fear God and in the very same way, we fear ourselves. We fear who we are inside, our feelings and our desires.
Why is it wrong to ask our own hearts what it really seeks? In my own heart, i believe that the only true happiness in this world belongs to those who take these steps of self-discovery and then go on to seek out their destinies and dreams. More often than not, these aren't people who want money, property or physical wealth, but to be as close as they can to their emotional homes...their families and friends. They seek not to be successful or rich, but to share what they are able with the world and give back to this beautiful Earth what they can. It is love they seek, a pure love, where one can give themselves completely into caring for another person. Faith is the other arm, the guiding light of life, and it is not grounded in prejudice like race, nor fanaticism like religion. Instead, it is grounded in simplicity, powerful yet gentle.
If I could do something for this world, this would be it. I would try to make more people stop for a moment and relax. To think long and hard and listen to their hearts instead of their minds. I would want people to gain a deeper understanding of themselves as individuals and their true needs and desires. Most importantly, I would want people to not give up their search for true happiness, no matter how hard that road may seem.
For now, most of us are barely drifting, allowing our fears to dictate our lives.

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