Maybe it is true, that without total commitment and passion, true success can never be achieved, that to be the best at a chosen path requires total willingness to sacrifice whatever it takes. Of course many of us do not buy into this. We are afraid to give up a lot of things that we already have, yet we have our aspiratins and our ambitions to be something, to achieve something. As a result, we try to maintain a balance between honest effort holding back. I guess we are just worried that in the process of trying too hard, we might stand to lose the things that we already have.
I wrote about this once and now i realise several factors, issues that i had missed out,or rather things i never considered until today. It concerns the object of our passion and commitment and how it affects our decision making, the way we choose to live our lives and so on. For instance, if we were to go into a certain field, whatever it is, if we truly feel a sense of belonging in it, then we should give our everything to be the best at it. The catch here, however, is that it does not have to be so generic... the field that is. This is where I strayed earlier, a very important point that i think we should all know.
When we talk about an object/subject we have a deep-seated passion for, we talk about love. When we talk about love, we pretty much talk about everything. We might love words, music, people, whatever... the point is, to be the best at something, to make a difference in this 'object' of our interest, we must commit ourselves fully to it. There are many examples, whether it is the way two people who are in love are completely devoted to one another, a parents' commitment to their child and so on. It doesn't have to be something as obvious as being a legendary rock-star, or a formula one champion. It is also the little things in life. I realised this these past few days as i contemplate the fact that someone i deeply care for is leaving to another country to pursue her studies. I learned that I do have something to which I'm completely committed to, to which I would give anything, sacrifice anything, and quite simply, it makes me feel confident and complete.
So, i would like to revise what i had written earlier by including this new information, so that anyone who reads it won't feel like I'm an
Well, gotta go now... bye
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Posted by
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
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