Today seems to be cursed. i'll be frank, this was a honestly terrible day, in terms of luck. You are probably thinking what a lazy punk i must be, since it takes so much for me to actually post something here. I know, I know...and I'm sorry, just been running kind of flat recently. Flat in terms of all the anarchistic, rebellious, and revolutionary ideas i usually bandy around. Well, three hours of traffic, missed classes, and a tow-truck scare has put me right back into the driving seat. I am PISSED. Or was, anyway.
Seriously, how in the name of all that is good and holy could anyone stand being stuck in a traffic jam for three friggin hours. it was so bad that at 8.30 am, I was able to look at my rearview mirror and still SEE the spot where my car was at 7.30a.m. ...absolutely ridiculous! I was fuming and blowing steam through every pore of my body at one point. It was all because of a three car accident on the highway.
I hate missing classes. For all my beef with the education system, I still get very upset when I'm late or absent. It irks the hell out of me because I like being reliable and punctual if nothing else. This kind of thing really affects my sense of discipline (yeah, yeah, I actually have one...quit sniggering like a buffoon).
Anyways, so much for the series of unfortunate events. Anything good happen recently? Yeah, I discovered that I happen to be the only one in my age group who actually has a true and honest direction in life, with minimum confusion and doubt. Strange to hear this about me, a guy who seemed destined to wallow in self-doubt and uncertainty, but it is true none-the-less. Ever since I started putting my foot down on what I truly wanted and desired in for myself, I kinda got this aloof sensibility that seems to set me apart from the rest of my 'peers'. I ain't confused no more, and damn it feels good!
Monday, January 31, 2005
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Clearer my path is now, clearer too my sight. It feels freshs, the air that I breathe, fresh and new, as I walk this new road, the one less taken. It is true, makes all the difference.
Lead me from hell, lift me into your heaven... I can see that the light shining down upon me now, and the storm will no longer cast a pall over my soul.
Will this calm last? Will it last forever, as I fade away into dreams? Or is it just another false alarm?
I guess I'll have to wait and see.
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Friday, January 14, 2005
Tsunamis, dead people, earthquakes, new college, new course.... yeah, plenty to talk about... Then again, the first three ain't exactly breaking news... I don't really feel like writing about it anyway. It doesn't matter what my opinions on the matter are, the facts remain the same. People need help, those who can provide that help must do so. If there has every been any reason for the world to join together for a common cause. Too bad it had to come at such a high price though.
New college, new faces, new subjects.... same old personal problems. People ask me if I'm happy with what I am doing... they think that simply because I was adamant about this course, that it is what I truly want. If only they knew.... I hate people who pretend to know what makes others happy, who pretend to know what others long for in their hearts. I don't want any of this, I'm living a life that is so agains't the values and principles I hold so dear in my heart. The only thing that is real and pure is the one thing I have yet to physically find.
That's the onyl thing that would make me happy. I know I have said this a thousand times before, but its how I truly feel deep inside.
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Friday, January 14, 2005
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Tomorow, i begin a new journey. A new doorway through which i shall walk into. Where it leads, I know not for sure...all i have are the stirrings of my heart. It has never failed me when i need it most. Though I am overwhelmed by the doubts and troubles of others, I have fought hard to preserve myself... or at least I hope so. i have found myself clinging to every last bit of hope i have left, all of which come from one source. My beloved. I hope against everything else, that I find the strength that I need for whatever tomorow might bring.
The battles that I have been fighting in my life have not yet ended, I'm afraid. They are only about to worsen.
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Sunday, January 02, 2005