DOes it make you want to turn to face me and tell me,
all the things that you never had a chance to say,
or is it just another fit of screaming that you wish to vent,
the same old decaying wails that you let on me every day...
It doesn't take much for you to see that i hate this,
yet, you keep turning blind wheneverit suits you,
regardless of the times i've looked away in pain and anger,
you keep using me and leave me with nowhere to turn to
I'm sick of being the one listening wordlessly to you,
will you even remember my name when you're done?
if this is your twisted, corrupt, illusion of a love,
then i want it no more, i want you to be gone...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Posted by
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Like Raindrops on the Windscreen
Moments pass by, sometimes completely unnoticed, as days melt nto weeks, and weeks into months; time flows past like the tiny droplets of rain washing of the windscreen of my little car. As we drive past places I have known, but never before seen in this light, the light of your company, the light of your eyes, where the world is more than what it used to be and I see everything for the first time once more; deep breaths of fresh air, and pure rays of sunlight.
Passing by the buildings and streets of a memory long-standing, feeling for a moment as though time has slowed down to a crawl and the rest of the world is at a standstill, stopping to gaze at you and me as we gaze at the rest of the world. An ethereal peace that overcomes, saturates... a flood of bliss, spreading and rolling, like raindrops on the windscreen...
These moments I feel only with you. These feelings that I have never known before, yet feel so natural and perfect, I do not want them to ever end. Safety, shelter, home in a tiny moving car... our sanctuary is in each other, two drifters off on another adventure. Nothing can possibly be better than this, nothing could feel more perfect.
Posted by
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tell me everything that you see,
with those deep brown eyes,
everything you see that passes you by,
as you stand still by the windows
of your so-called unloved life
If you'd only take the time to see,
that its not as lonely as you think,
it seems as if you see everything else,
except the one who is standing here,
right in front of you...
I'm no illusion,
I'm no lie,
I'm letting you know now,
I'm here till I die...
Capture the still frame of your heart,
break it to a thousand shards,
and melt the pieces to put back together,
maybe then you can open those dark eyes,
and feel the warmth fill you...
Tell me with those eyes of yours,
if what you see is real now,
tell me this man in front of you,
is more than just an illusion,
that I am more than a lie...
I'm no illusion,
not a lie...
Posted by
Thursday, September 07, 2006