The time between this and my previous post says it all. This time it was intentional. I simply decided to wait out till the end of the semester before I posted anything new. The reason, well, I am not too sure... Just wanted to wait. Anyway, I wasn't planning on abandoning this or anything. There's been a lot of new developments in life for me, but I'll not talk about it right now, maybe in the coming days. For now, I would just liek to relate this experience I had last night. The first part of it, anyway.
It is not often that I remember my dreams... in fact, I hardly ever do. Most dreams only remain in my memory a few minutes after I awake before vanishing entirely. Bot this time. Not this dream... or nightmare. Rarely have I been able to recall a dream so vividly and with such frightening clarity. The only other time in recent memory was when I dreamt of having my first child... my baby daughter with Allry. That was a pleasant dream, a vision of pure joy, something I have built my life around. This new dream...well, it is nothing short of a vision of hell.
I do not know why it came to me, and I do not know how it was so vivid and realistic. Dreams, even nightmares, are just exaggerations of emotions that we have experienced before-feelings and memories. This dream... this dream came out of nowhere. I have heard of suppressed memories and such, but I am pretty sure that nothing of this sort ever happened to me. It could not have. I know I have never experienced tornadoes or the end of the world first hand.
For that is what I dreamt of. The end.
Well, not exactly. Before I go confusing you even further, let me start from the beginning of the nightmare.
I remember coming back home with a few others. We were in a car. I am not sure, but I think the others were my family members. I remember my mother. Everything was normal, nothing unusual, we were just driving along the highway. We were talking, loudly, and arguing, among other things. My parents always argue, so I assume my dad was there as well. The reason I am not sure is because I was not paying attention. I remember I was looking outside of the window, at the trees and stuff as we drove past.
Then there was this loud explosion. Nothing ear-shattering or screeching, just a huge 'BOOM', the type that thunder makes. It came from a distance, i could tell from the muffled nature of the sound. Anyway, it was loud enough to cause the earth to quake and whoever had been driving lost control and the car swerved. I think we ran into the side railing, because we had to get out of the car. I was not paying attention again, because something else much more important was taking place. Before I go on, I should mention that at this point, I was in a daze. A numbness had come over me, because what I was seeing in front of my eyes simply was not registering.
A huge black wall of dust and cloud and smoke was moving towards the city out of nowhere. When I say huge, I mean miles wide and from the sky to the ground high. I have no idea what it was and I was watching it with morbid fascination. Everywhere it touched the earth, it ripped it apart, leaving this frightening trail of destruction. As it approached us, I noticed that it was moving extremely fast. Someone must have pulled me, because I started running towards the buildings, all the while keeping an eye on the Black Wall. It was then the fear started creeping in. It was irrational. What I was witnessing was nothing compared to the emotional and psychological ordeal that I was about to endure. It was this that has left such a irreversible impact on me.
So we continued running until we reached what looked like an office building. We ran inside, and I saw that others were doing the same. People were in shock, some unable to move, some just screaming wildly. I was so confused. I didn't know what was happening.
Then the ground started to shake again, this time continuosuly. It was gradual. The wind suddenly picked up really fast. I lloked around but I could no longer see the black wall. People stopped running as well. Everyone was lloking around in shher confusion. Then the truly hysterical screaming started. Then, it truly began.
It was as if the sky was opening up to swallow us. A huge dark portal came down from the sky and another sprouted up from the ground to meet it. I have never before witnessed the formation of a tornado or a cyclone, except in the movies, but here I was seeing it first-hand. I know some of you might think I am just describing a scene from Day After Tomorow, and I am pretty sure that's where I got the imagination from, but that still does not explain the other elements. Like the sound, and the quaking of the eart. AND THE SHEER MAJESTY AND SCALE OF WHAT I WAS WITNESSING. It felt real. Too much so. I cannot explain it further.
It was not jsut the one tornado. There were others forming everywhere. They were causing so much destruction. Buildings were being torn down. What had been a pleasant sunny day suddenly changed so drastically. The sky was on fire. Dark, crimson flames...I really have no way of putting it into words. Just imagine being in that reality. You have these huge tornadoes, ripping into your world, and the skies above you were bleeding... My heart and my soul felt frozen solid, fragile enough to crack into a million pieces. Fear became terror. I watched on as the machines of destruction tore everything down.
The next thing I knew I was inside this bus, being driven away from the ruined city. I was staring out the back, watching as the tornadoes continued to reap their havoc.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
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