Man, I am so taking my time posting stuff here, aren't I? I'm truly sorry about my lack of activity. It is not that I am not trying, it is simply that I cannot find the time to do so. I actually tried a few days back, but my connection went poof and I lost the information I had typed. I have an unstable connection for which I am paying a bucketload of cash...such is the state of exploitation in this country.
Anyway, I have been undergoing a lot of personal changes lately. My outlook on life has undergone damamtic transformations, for the better. It is mostly due to philosophy, I guess. I am no longer depressed, uncertain or hopeless. Philosophy has given me a brand new sense of purpose and contentment. I feel happy, truly happy. My concerns now have shifted from being egocentric, to everything else-centric. Its amazing.
One of my dearest friends had to go throught the horrendous experience of dengue fever a week ago. It was a difficult time for her. As a former victim, I knew a little of what she would have gone through. I hate it when things like this happen to people I care about. You feel so helpless, lost and all the world around you is moving on but you have come to a complete standstill, lying on a hospital bed, freezing, with a tube running up your arm. It sucks.
Plus, with this illness, you never know if you'll survive. I was genuinely worried for my friend. I visited here almost everyday, hoping that she would be better than the day before. It hurt me so much to see her lying on the bed, unable to move, barely able to speak... I am so glad that she is better know and that the worst of her ordeals are over.
Well, that pretty much sums up the past few weeks, I guess... maybe once this semester is over, I'll take the time to write in greater detail. Bye
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
If I somehow survive this semester with my sanity intact, I think I deserve my phD. Holy hell, this is a lot of work! Four subjects, two months... insane, I tell you. I have no idea what got into my mind when i decided to push myself in this way. I really need to curb this habit of not looking before I leap. Sooner or later, I'm going to dive straight into a pool full of piranhas. I guess I am already in one, and the only reason I'm still alive is that the piranhas haven't sensed me yet. I have absolutely no idea what that means
Anyways, i want to talk about what has now officially become my favourite subject... Philosophy. I guess you could say it has always been my favourite subject (apart from you-know-what). Nothing else seems relevant or even remotely significant compared to philosophy. It just seems to put everything into this awesome and often terrifying perspective. The one important questiont that always springs to mind is, what is of actual importance in this existance?
I can't really think of anything that is of any importance, truly, apart from one thing. You can probably guess what that is. Even so, why do we feel that wealth and pleasure is so important? Why is power so important? What does it all really mean? Where are we all headed? What function are we supposed to fulfill in this Universe? Do we have a function? Who are we? Why do we have to sit for exams and get degrees? What does it all MEAN?
My brain hurts. I believe in something that Plato, Aristotle, Descartes and many others said; that true happiness lies when we think about perfection. Their versions of perfections all differ, but that does not really matter. Its the concept that is of any significance to me. I have my version of perfection and it makes me truly happy. That is all I need in this
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Tuesday, July 05, 2005