Whew...It has been quite a while, hasn't it? I know, you're probably thinking I'm just being a lazy prick, and to be honest you wouldn't be so off the mark. However, it is not as if I didn't try. Its just that my line has been bugging the hell out of me recently and I often find that when I do get through, its usually when I have no mood to write anything. Unlike now, that is. I have been doing an awful lot of typing lately, mostly for college. I guess I might as well go where the momentum takes me. I've got time, so what the hell, might as well update my life...haha. Anyway, here goes. Life ahs been generally good recently. Its amazing how quickly life can change from being totally depressing to contented. I don't really feel contented, but honestly, I feel so much better about myself now than I ever did before. Yesterday, the 21st of March, is the most important day of every year for me and my beloved. It's her birthday, and also the day we found each other. We have been together for eight years now...EIGHT YEARS. I turn 20 this year. You do the math. There's honestly so much reason to be happy, yet there is still that little part inside me that is always discontent. Only I know what that is all about.
Life is good, for now. A major reason for this would have to be college. Surprising, isn't it? haha...It isn't as if my new college is anything special, but it happens to be a huge step up from what I have been going through all this while prior to my current course. For the first time, I feel I am where I want to be in an academic sense. The improvement is apparent in my work efficiency, which has never been better and also my general mood these days. Even my physical fitness has improved with my added activity. I feel good, and when I feel good, I push the boundaries that is myself. I have no idea what that means.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
There was once a time when people use to tell me that I should always do what is right, that we should always fight for what we believe in, no matter how hard or difficult it is. That was a time when people cared about others more than hey cared about themselves, a time of honour, respect, trust, and sacrifice. It did not matter where we come from, how rich we were...the only thing that mattered is each other.
These days, sadly, people have changed. Nowadays it is no longer about doing what is right...its about doing whatever it takes to achieve success. Its not about fighting for what we believe in, but fighting for the scraps thrown around. Honour, respect, trust and sacrifice have all been replaced by ego, greed, distrust, and backstabbing, the four common feautures of modern society... the same modern society that we are so proud of.
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Wednesday, March 09, 2005